In many ways, my journey to Europe is a spiritual pilgrimage.
An opportunity to shed thick, suffocating layers of identity, attachment and constraint - ‘who I think I am’,
A calling for Ancestral healing, retrieving soul fragments, and stepping into who I came here to be in this time and place,
And accessing frequencies that will support the evolution of consciousness on this planet. (Just casually 😅.)
At the moment, I’m calling it a “Soul Quest”, though I feel like I’m really just along for the ride at this point.
And… HOW does all this relate to YOU?
I’ve learned and integrated so much in the last 12 months since this journey was sparked,
And I know it’s going to keep coming thick and fast as I journey to new lands and assimilate new experiences.
I want to share these learnings with you and support you as much as I can, from a place of deep respect for you and your own journey.
I see myself as someone who can walk alongside you, and help you access deep transformation within your own self.
So it can ripple through your life and create incredible changes, in the most supported way possible.
I understand (more deeply than you’ll ever know) what it’s like to fear change, to struggle, and get stuck in emotions, patterns or past traumas.
To be trying so hard to break free, but not knowing what the next steps are or feeling like I can’t do it alone.
I’d be honoured to be a loving friend to you -
Helping you shift blockages and transition into new territory as you expand and grow.
Providing valuable perspective and insights that help you navigate changes and challenges in your life.
Guiding and supporting you to shift, clear and recalibrate energetically -
Helping you build these skills so you can hear and follow your own intuition and inner guidance (I have to say this is an absolute GAME CHANGER!)
And reflecting pieces of you and your experience back to you, in ways that have you feel like the puzzle pieces are all falling into place, and YOU’VE GOT THIS.
Because you do.
You’re here to live your own, ever evolving version of this beautiful (and challenging) journey.
You’ve come here with your own agenda of things to heal, integrate, experience and grow into.
And as the saying goes, “We’re all just walking each other home.” - Ram Dass.
I’d love to hear from you if this resonates.
And if you know you want to start (or continue) working together, you’re welcome to book a session here