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How to Make Your Own Flower Essence

Writer: Danni BelvedereDanni Belvedere

Something I’ve started doing recently when connecting with and stepping into potent new energies -

Like the goddess energy of Venus I share about in this post -

Is creating vibrational flower essences to help me call in and assimilate these new frequencies.

How do flower essences work?

By placing flowers in water and allowing them to be exposed to sunlight or moonlight, the vibrational essence of the flower becomes imprinted into the structure of the water.

Imbuing it with the metaphysical properties of the flower or plant, which can support us to activate healing within ourselves.

We can then preserve the water and make it into a tincture, placing drops under the tongue daily for a period of time.

These tinctures can support our healing process, and help us integrate emotions and energies.

It’s a very simple and easy process, and I’d encourage you to try it! Here’s the process…

(Video below for a visual of the basic steps!)

How to make your own Flower Essence:

Quality water and a clear glass bowl are essential, otherwise most of these items can be substituted for whatever you have at home, as long as it works.

You’ll need:

Clear glass bowl

Glass pouring jug

Sieve/paper filter (I’ve been using a coffee filter)

Small measuring cup (30ml medicine cup is great)

Small funnel (optional but helpful)

High-quality filtered water (if purchasing, bottled in glass is best)

Brandy or vodka (for preserving the tincture)

50ml amber bottle for storing mother tincture 

30ml dropper bottle as dosage bottle 

You can make the essence any time, but you may like to time it with powerful astrological placements. For example during a full moon, new moon, or an eclipse.

Step 1 - select a (non-toxic) flower that’s in bloom. I’d suggest choosing one you feel drawn to, and you can then look up its metaphysical properties to get a sense of how it might support you.

Step 2 - tune into yourself and connect with your intention for the essence you’re creating - What you’d like to receive from the energy of the flower you’ve chosen. For example, to be supported in opening your heart. Or finding courage and strength within yourself.

Step 3 - ask the plant for permission to pick the flowers, and provide an offering as a symbol of gratitude and giving back.

Step 4 - fill the glass bowl 3/4 of the way with the filtered water. as you’re picking the flowers and placing them in the water, hold your intention in mind and share any blessings into the water.

Step 5 - leave the bowl somewhere safe (preferably in a natural setting like on the grass or in the garden), where it can be exposed to either several hours of sunlight, or rest overnight in the moonlight.

Step 6 - once complete, pour the essence water from the bowl into the glass pouring jug, using the sieve to catch the flowers. You can also use a paper filter inside the sieve to make sure any smaller ‘bits’ are filtered out.

Step 7 - measure approx 2/3 essence water, and 1/3 alcohol, to fit the 50ml bottle. (30ml essence water and 20ml alcohol). Add them to the bottle, close and gently shake it. This is the ‘mother tincture’ and you can use the contents to make many dosage bottles. 

Step 8 - when you’re ready to start taking the essence, measure 2/3 plain filtered water, and 1/3 alcohol, to fit the 30ml bottle. (20ml plain filtered water and 10ml alcohol). Add them to the bottle, close and gently shake it.

Step 9 - the final step is to add 7-12 drops of the mother tincture to the dosage bottle (you can muscle test the number of drops or go by intuitive feel), closing and gently shaking it. 

Step 10 - your dosage bottle is now ready! Take 7-10 drops 2-3x daily until the bottle runs out.

I’d suggest to journal while taking your flower essence to help you notice and anchor any subtle shifts.

It may sound like a lot of steps in the process but it’s honestly super simple, and once you’ve done it once it will be very easy to repeat again and again.

I feel it’s a beautiful and powerful way to connect with the healing energies of nature,

And empower ourselves using simple preparations we can make at home…

(Or on the road as the case may be!)

I’d love to hear your experience if you try it yourself!



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